Thursday, December 15, 2011

Some thoughts

Day 2, Tuesday 13th (despite the fact that it is already Day 4... but we are in Spain and have to adjust somehow :) )

The group of smiling and shining volunteers (including me) from 4 different European countries started the day with an early trip to one little and lovely factory. In this factory people are baking cookies but these are not ordinary cookies, these ones are made by care, patience and vast of love.
Did you know that also people with Down syndrome have to work, create and earn in order to survive? And I had the opportunity to see those people in action, busy with, and responsible for execution of orders they have for the Christmas time. The representative of "Canela&Clavo" (hope that it is the correct name of the company) was so kind and honest to reveal us the reality of making "business" where people with Down syndrome are involved. For me it was sad to hear that they have to struggle so much in today's market, without having any support from authorities. But they are strong and full of dedication to the work they do, therefore I simply admire them. I have never seen such enthusiastic and energetic workers who never stop smiling. The level of their life satisfaction increases by simple everyday's activities that sometimes I don't appreciate enough - involvement in the labor market, having duties and responsibilities, being in the society, having communication, making relationship, friendship etc.
And when I tried these cookies, I fell in love with them at the same moment. You cannot imagine how delicious they are unless you taste them. I will never forget Dora's smiling face distributing the sweets that she and her colleagues baked.

The one thing is the admiration of people with Down syndrome in today's world but I can't not to mention my feelings that are connected to the participants of the project. I am very happy and proud of all of us, of AEGEE community, for tolerance, understanding and our free will to raise awareness about this situation. I really hope that this experience will change our perception and break prejudices about the world and people living in it.

Voluntarily yours,

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